Teacher’s profile
Native / Proficiency
Native / Proficiency
わたしの なまえは まち です。
よろしく おねがいします。
わたしは にほんの ならけんに すんでいます。
ならけんは れきしの ふかい まち です。
ならけんは にほんの かんさい ちほうに あります。
かんさいべんに きょうみが ある ひと だいかんげい です。
わたしは 20ねんかん にほんの かいしゃで はたらいています。
ビジネスにほんご や にほんの ビジネスマナーに ついても おしえます。
あなたの すきな にほんの マンガや おんがくや たべもの の はなしを
きかせて ください。
たくさん はなして いっしょに たのしい じかんを すごしましょう。
Nice to meet you. My name is Machi. I live in Nara Prefecture in Japan, which is a city with deep history. Nara is located in the Kansai region of Japan. I can teach you about Kansai dialect. I have been working at a Japanese company for 20 years. I can also teach you about Business Japanese and Japanese Business Etiquette. Please tell me about your favorite Japanese manga, music, and food.
Let’s talk a lot and have a good time together.
The latest 10 reviews are shown.
14.Oct.2023My business Japanese knowledge and skills has improved immensely thanks to Machi-sensei ❤️ Even some of my Japanese colleagues noticed it and complimented my achievements.
10.Jun.2023I really appreciate Machi-sensei’s efforts and commitment when arranging each lesson. I work at Japanese company and after taking these lessons I feel much more confident when communicating with my colleagues =)
13.May.2023During our lessons we covered different business Japanese topics like etiquette of phone conversations, keigo, various business situations expressions and rules, even business Japanese in Kansai dialect! :) I look forward to our every lesson. Thank you, Machi-sensei.
06.May.2023Today’s lesson was very fun and informative. Looking forward to next one.
30.Apr.2023Machi-sensei is awesome. The class was very informative and fun. I really enjoyed it. Sensei prepared explanation, practice, role play materials on today’s topic, I even got some homework.
23.Apr.2023I found まち先生 class very importannt and interesting. I highly recommend for all students who want to learn business communication (with in the work place and with customers). Thank you so much I learnt a lot!!!