16.Jan.2025 03:15




1. 個⼈情報の定義

2. 法令等の遵守

3. 個⼈情報の取得

4. 個⼈情報の⽬的外利⽤の禁⽌
1) 当社は、特定された利⽤⽬的の達成に必要な範囲を超えた個⼈情報の⽬的外利⽤を⾏いません。
2) 当社が収集する個⼈情報の主な利⽤⽬的は以下のとおりです。
・当社が提供する本サービス及びその他のサービスの⽴案や改善の参考にする⽬的 ・メールマガジン配信の⽬的



7 . 当社からのサービス等のご案内の停⽌

8. 個⼈情報の内容の正確性の確保

9. 個⼈情報の管理

10. 免責事項

11. 個⼈情報の訂正及び利⽤停⽌等
1)当社は、ユーザーから、(1)個⼈情報が真実でないという理由によって個⼈情報保護法の定めに基づきその内容の訂正を求められた場合、及び(2)あらかじめ公表された利⽤⽬的の範囲を超えて取扱われているという理由または偽りその他不正の⼿段により収集されたものであるという理由により、個⼈情報保護法の定めに基づきその利⽤の停⽌を求められた場合には、ユーザーご本⼈からのご請求であることを確認の上で遅滞なく必要な調査を⾏い、その結果に基づき、個⼈情報の内容の訂正または利⽤停⽌を⾏い、その旨をユーザーに通知します。なお、訂正または利⽤停⽌を⾏わない旨の決定をしたときは、 ユーザーに対しその旨を通知いたします。

12. お問い合わせ窓⼝

13. 本ポリシーの改訂について

14. 準拠法

15. 合意管轄

16. ⾔語

2023年4⽉1⽇ 制定・施⾏
代表取締役 永本 剛


tomoni Japan Ltd (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) has established the following privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as the “Policy”) regarding the handling of personal information of users of the Services (hereinafter referred to as “Users”) on the services (hereinafter referred to as the “Services”) provided on “PONTIS” (https://www.pontis.jp), which is operated by the Company.

1. Definition of Personal Information In this Policy,
The term “Personal Information” as used in this Policy means information about a living individual that can identify a specific individual by name, date of birth or other description contained in that information or by easily collating it with other information.

2. Compliance with Laws and Regulations
The Company shall comply with the Personal Information Protection Act, other related laws and regulations, and guidelines established by each government agency when handling Users’ personal information.

3. Collection of Personal Information
The Company may collect Users’ personal information in the scope necessary for operating the Service, including but not limited to:
• When registering as a member on the website
• When editing a member profile on the website
• When applying for a position as a teacher on the website
• When sending inquiries about the website
• When making various inquiries to the Company

4. Prohibition of Use of Personal Information beyond the Purpose
1)The Company shall not use Personal Information beyond the scope necessary to achieve the specified purpose.
2)The main purposes of the Personal Information collected by the Company are as follows:
・To smoothly operate the Service
・To make reservations and provide language lessons between teachers who wish to provide language lessons on the Service and students who wish to take them
・To create and publish the public profile of teachers who wish to provide lessons using the Service, and to enable students to pay teachers via the Company for the language lessons
・To confirm the identity of Users
・To serve as reference material for planning and improving the Service and other services provided by the Company
・To distribute newsletters via email
・To provide Users with information about services provided by the Company that may be useful to them

5. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties
The Company shall not provide Personal Information to third parties without the prior consent of Users, except in the following cases:
• Based on laws and regulations
• In cases where it is difficult to obtain the consent of Users but necessary to protect the life, body or property of a person
• In cases where it is particularly necessary to improve public health or promote the healthy growth of children and it is difficult to obtain the consent of Users
• When commissioned by a national agency or local public entity, or a person consigned by such an agency or entity, to cooperate in carrying out the affairs prescribed by laws and regulations and obtaining the consent of the Users is likely to interfere with the execution of the affairs.

6. About Cookies
In order to provide better services to our users, we may use cookies. If you do not wish to allow the use of cookies, you can change your browser settings. Please note that if you choose to disable cookies, certain features of our website may be limited.

7. Discontinuation of Service Information from us
We may send information about services that we believe will be useful to users via email or other means. Users can request to stop or resume receiving such information.

8. Ensuring Accuracy of Personal Information
We make every effort to keep personal information accurate and up-to-date within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use.

9. Management of Personal Information
We establish a personal information protection manager to prevent the leakage, loss, or destruction of personal information and strive for sufficient security protection. We also properly manage the personal information we receive to keep it accurate and upto- date.

10. Disclaimer
We are not involved in the management of Users’ IDs and passwords. If a User’s ID and password are used by a third party due to the User’s negligence, there is a possibility that the User’s registered personal information may be viewed. Therefore, Users are responsible for the use and management of their own IDs and passwords, and should be cautious about errors in use or unauthorized use by third parties.

11. Correction and Suspension of Use of Personal Information
1) If a User requests correction of their personal information under the Personal Information Protection Act, based on the reason that the information is not true, or if the User requests suspension of the use of their personal information, based on the reason that the information has been handled beyond the scope of the stated purpose of use or has been collected through deceitful or other wrongful means, we will promptly investigate the request and make corrections or suspend the use of the personal information as appropriate, and notify the User of the outcome. If we decide not to make corrections or suspend use, we will inform the User accordingly.
2)If a User requests deletion of their personal information, we will confirm that the request is made by the User and, if we determine that it is necessary to comply with the request, we will delete the personal information and notify the User of the outcome.
3) If we are not obligated under the Personal Information Protection Act or other laws to correct or suspend the use of personal information, we may not comply with requests for correction or suspension of use.

12. Contact Information
For inquiries regarding opinions, questions, complaints, or the handling of User information, please contact the following department:
Department: PONTIS Department

13. Revision of this Policy
We will continue to review and revise this policy as necessary to ensure the protection of personal information. In such cases, all updates will be announced on this page.

14. Governing Law
This Policy is governed by Japanese law.

15. Exclusive Jurisdiction by Agreement
Any disputes related to this Policy shall be exclusively governed by the Tokyo Summary Court or the Tokyo District Court as the agreed jurisdictional court.

16. Language
This Policy is written in Japanese and translated into English. The Japanese version is the official version and the English version is provided for reference. If there is any inconsistency or conflict between the two versions, the Japanese version shall prevail.

Established and enforced on April 1st, 2023.
Tomoni Japan Ltd.
Managing Director Takeshi NAGAMOTO