27.Jul.2024 09:03


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السلام عليكم. أنا نابا. لدي خبرة في تعليم اللغة اليابانية لمدة 15 سنة في اليابان. درست اللغة العربية في جامعة في اليابان، ومعهد اللغات في سوريا. استمتعت بتعلم اللغة العربية. سأساعدكم في تعلم اللغة اليابانية، والآن أتمنى أن تستمتعون بتعلم اللغة اليابانية








こんにちは! 私の名前は 上口 博幸(かみぐち ひろゆき)です。ヒロとよんでください




Hello . My name is Hiroyuki.

please call me hiro.

My hobbies are reading books , watching movies, jogging, and trekking.   I climbed  Mt Fuji three years ago.

I went to philippin 6 years ago to teach Japanese at Japanese school for one year.

Before that job . I had sales person of materials of construction 

for about 30 years ,nowadays I ‘m driver to pick elderly person up to care house.

I am a native speaker and also have some knowledge in English.

I can teach student with basic japanese level and up, measure for JLPT N5 N4,N3,N2, basic word about materials of construction ,

basic word about nursing homes.

I look forward to meeting you and supporting you to achieve your goal.


初級はみんなの日本語きょうざいを べんきょうします。

JLPT かこもんだいをこのきょうざいでべんきょうします





わたしの 名前(なまえ)は まいです。

すきなことは、ダンスと、旅行(りょこう)と、映画(えいが)を見(み)ること です!

みなさんの すきな ことは なんですか? ぜひ、おしえて くださいね!

色々(いろいろ)な お話(はなし)をしながら、たのしく 勉強(べんきょう)しましょう。




My name is Nana.

I can speak daily English and Korean.

My first trip abroad was to Africa!

The best way to improve your language skills 。。。 to have fun and practice over and over again!

Why don’t you join me in practicing Japanese over and over again and have fun in Japanese?

Personality。。。。 Gentle. Laughs a lot.

Special skills。。。。 In foreign countries and in Japan, strangers ask me questions about directions.

Probably, I have a good atmosphere to be talked to.

Hobbies. Traveling, talking to people and listening to them. Yoga. Eating. Playing with children. Comic books. Reading.

I’d be happy if you could send me a message!
I’ll make time for your class!

わたしの なまえは、「なな」です。

えいご と かんこくご を はなせます。


はじめての かいがい りょこうは アフリカでした!




わたし と いっしょに たくさん にほんご を 

れんしゅう して

たのしい まいにち を すごしましょう!!





みなさん こんにちは。
私の名前は HIRO です。
私は 以前10年間 東京の日本語学校で「専任講師」


Hello everyone.
I am HIRO(Japanese).
I am a licensed Japanese language tutor.
I used to work as a “full-time teacher” at a Japanese language school in Tokyo for 10 years.

Currently I am running my own business while teaching Japanese.

I have been teaching Japanese online since 2009 to learners from many different countries.
I offer a variety of courses to meet your needs.





Nice to meet you! I’m Gen
I’m Japanese and live in Japan.
I am qualified as a Japanese teacher
I also have a medical qualification and had taught at a university.
I would like to make use of that experience as well.I would like to study with everyone using free talks and textbooks. Also, if you wish, you can learn about the mechanism of the body and diseases in Japanese.
Let’s study a wide range from beginner to advanced.Textbooks that can be used
・みんなの日本語(minna no nihongo)
☆If you want other textbooks, please contact us.

☆Finally, learning continues until death. In other words, if you don’t like studying, life will be boring. To do that, it is important to maintain a good environment and good motivation. I can understand your anguish. Therefore, I will do my best so that you can enjoy studying for a long time.

Thank you for reading to the end.
I am looking forward to hearing from you♥




Nice to meet you! I’m Aya Hayashi, who have lived in Singapore for a long time. I have a Qualification Japanese language teacher training course for 420 hours completed. I am teaching 2 students in Singapore currently. One is mostly Intermediate Level and the other is just started learning Japanese as Beginner.

It will be a e joyful time to learn Japanese! If you are interested in study with me, please do not hesitate to contact me!




Hi, I am Mika.  I am a qualified Japanese teacher living in Chiba, Japan.

I had been working as a flight attendant for Japan Airlines and United Airlines for altogether 32 years.

Besides teaching Japanese I also teach hula (Hawaiian dancing) in Japan.  My hobbies are hula, traveling, watching dramas, hot yoga.  I love Japanese onsen, too.

I am very kind and easygoing.  In my class we speak a lot of Japanese, but we will learn grammar, too.

Let’s enjoy learning Japanese with me!!











Nice to meet you!


Let’s talk about Japanese language, Japanese life style, Japanese culture, your favorite topics, what you want to know, and others!

すきなこと:りょこう・おてらにいくこと・ディズニー・せかいいさん・えをみること・クラシックおんがく・BTS・アニメ など

My favorites: Travelling, Go to temple, Disney, World Heritage, Art gallery, Classical music, J-pop, BTS, Japanese animation etc..


License: Japanese teacher, Social Worker, Nursery teacher

I can speak Kansai-dialect. ( I use standard Japanese in my lesson.)


Traveled country: Dubai, Italy, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Britain, Switzerland, South Korea, Philippine, Australia, Hong Kong, Macao, Singapore, Guam, Hawaii, Thailand


My dream: Friendship with people all over the world









いっしょに にほんごの れんしゅうを しましょう。


Hello everyone. I’m Sakura.

Do you have enough time to practice Japanese conversation?After learning grammar, practice conversation with me!  I’d like to create Cafe Sakura  for you!Let’s relax and have fun chatting Japanese as if you were chatting to a friend in a cafe.



【My Profile】
I am originally from Tokyo and now live in a rural town in Japan.
I have been supporting international students and their families for 10 years at a local international exchange organization and love to chat with people from all over the world and learn about different cultures.I am relaxed and open-minded and I always like to learn something new through conversation with the students.

I look forward to seeing you all in my class!

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